Is it beginning to look a lot like a Sufjan Stevens Christmas?

(image via


Sufjan Stevens, who once declared he would record an album themed for each of the fifty states of the USA before deciding it was too ambitious a goal for even an artist of his prodigious talent, may, and it’s an italicised may with more hedged bets and caveats than a politician’s election promises, may have a new Christmas album this year.


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While it’s no secret that Stevens is an inveterate Christmas junkie, much like yours truly, and records a Christmas album every year just for family and friends – some of these have been compiled into Christmas collections such as 2006’s Songs For Christmas – the only evidence that another album may be released for public consumption is from Steven’s own Tumblr blog which sports some Christmas gifs, and a Facebook update by rapper Kitty Pryde that she’s just recorded a Yuletide-esque song for him.

Sadly at this point it’s all conjure and supposition – his label Asthmatic Kitty, which sports one of the best label names ever – but you can only hope that it is true since Stevens has a gift for summoning up the spirit of Christmas that is as special as it is rare.

* Thanks to for the tip off that something Christmasy Sufjan Stevens-wise may be in the offing (via



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