Not a protagonist was stirring, not even an anthropomorphic mouse … Merry Christmas to all and to all a good pop culture night!

It’s been a crazy, busy, pandemic-y year once again but even amongst all the stress and strain and plague, my hope, as it is every year, is that this Christmas … You will not find snowy monsters with big teeth pursuing you … but if you do, you’ll have good Continue Reading

Graphic novel review: Wynd Book Two – The Secret of the Wings by James Tynion IV (writer) and Michael Dialynas (artist)

Fantasies always seem to convey, by some intangible sensibility woven into the word, the idea of limitless, epic adventure where anything can happen, anyone can exist and the world can be anything and everything. They are a feast for the imagination and that’s why they are seductive for so many Continue Reading

Upending the fairytale! BRIAR wonders what might happen if Sleeping Beauty had to save herself?

SNAPSHOTBRIAR [is] a brand new four-issue limited comic book series from Eisner Award-nominated writer, producer, and director Christopher Cantwell (Regarding the Matter of Oswald’s Body, Iron Man, Halt and Catch Fire), rising artist Germán García (Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage Land), and colorist Matheus Lopes (Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow) that Continue Reading

“What’s in this stuff?!” The hilarious thoughtful chaos of new comic strip TEX

SNAPSHOTTEX follows namesake character Tex Clapsaddle, an ambitious and imaginative eight-year-old learning to navigate the world outside his comfortable childhood. His parents, Barbara and Wayne, and siblings, Austin and Missy, are along for the ride as each character faces their own wild and momentous experiences. “TEX is a comic strip about that Continue Reading

Graphic novel review: Wynd Book One – Flight Of The Prince by James Tynion IV (writer) and Michael Dialynas (artist)

The idea of being home, of having a home – and not just the physical dwelling but the intangibly ephemeral emotional sense of belonging t00 – is so universal that it’s taken as a given that everyone has one. But not everyone does; for a whole host of reasons, people Continue Reading